Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lamb is a great spring fling!

You know I woke up today craving spring, the air, smell, and the vibrance. The baseness of the first quarter of the year gets me going. I'm in the process of  many big things on the horizon this year! I decided to cook something up that filled the void of my lack of spring time substance. 
There is more to life than moving through an in and out maze of consciousness.  We spend days upon days trying to find the heartbeat of something real. You know, something you can hold, something you made with your two hands that could shake nature, art for the masses, every canvas touched with love and lust; that's the real shit there. I'm a chef and an artist with a hustler's spirit, a New School Old Soul. Fitted to the side keeping that sunny-side egg up from hell out the eye!  
Lamb is very spring-esque in my mind. I started there and built a dish around it with Mediterranean basics and my little twists.  I seasoned the lamb with garlic lemon juice and chives and let that marinate while I worked with roasting the leeks and cooking the couscous. I decided to add a fruit/spicy element to the dish with a Pear and plum chutney I started to toss the leeks with the couscous, fresh lemon juice and zest added some chives and began plating that down, topping it with the pan seared lamb and finishing the dish with the chutney. 
I'm Alive and well... Kicks tied tight, the future is now.  We "wild like rock stars who smash guitars." District Dine! If you wanna take part in the movement contact me for info. Remember food is life and love! Till next time friends much respect to the universe One.

Monday, March 4, 2013


I began my journey with food in the Florida Keys, and as everyone who reads my blog knows, I hold it dear to my heart. I tend to add a flare to all my cuisine with that Floridian essence. On a side note I was listening to some hip hop form circa 98 and I was thinking they don't make 'em like that no more! Growing up on that music style instilled a passion in me. Life seemed so simple and obstacle free at that time: music on blast, brew in the cup, gutting blunts, riding with my boys... Back to the food! I was always around great quality ingredients, learning from my pops and the "locals" about all the options available. Seafood is something I know better than anything else in this world.

I woke up this morning tired and homesick, so naturally I turned Outkast up loud on Pandora and went in on some seafood. I started by making a seafood stock with a lobster base and set that aside to simmer. While that was going, I cooked some lentils, summer squash, zucchini and roasted shallots to add to my stock. I sautéed some minced lobster meat with garlic as the final touch to my soup. Topping it with wine and butter sautéed clams with fresh arugula. To finish I hit it with fresh lemon zest to add a mild citrus accent.

There's a lot of things they don't make the same anymore. I'm all about the evolution of this art but sometimes you gotta take it back on 'em. Cause a ruckus and whatnot! So I'm gonna try and stay "cooler than a polar bear's toenails." Until the next time, my food friends and hip hop heads, say it with me: If you love fish and grits and all that pimp shit, everyone let me here you say Oh Yeah!! Food is love, stay up! Thank you to all the keys kids and keys in general for making me a monster!