Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wedding Cake

Today i am going to discuss the wedding cake i prepared for when Amy and I got married. It was a small reception where i catered the whole thing it was very island themed we had Jerked Chicken, Coconut Rice, Pineapple Mango Salsa, and lastly a Dark chocolate raspberry filled cake. Most bakers will go the extraordinary route and make a simple syrup with a raspberry liqueur to accentuate the flavors and taste. I did something a little different in place of that step I took my chocolate cake round sliced it in half than I spread raspberry preserves throughout the middle to form the same texture as the syrup mixture to hold the whole raspberries in place as i put the cake back together before icing. By replacing the steps of creating the mixture i saved a little time and kept the same flavorful taste to the palate, it was a great experience and cant wait to make it every year on our day!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dinner For Sisters

Tonight i am preparing dinner for my wife's sisters. On the menu is Tilapia Florentine accompanied by choice of there rice and vegetable. This is one of my all time favorite dishes to make. its light fluffy and filling. Mainly because of the choice of fish, Any type of ocean white fish will bring the same great taste. I'm gonna end today with a quote from the anarchist cookbook "Dessert is probably the most important stage of the meal, Since it will be the last thing your guests remember before they pass out all over the table." On that note tomorrow i will discuss the preparation of the wedding cake i made for my wife and I.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Catering And Cooking

Catering and cooking go hand in hand and today I'm going to handle a little bit of both. For my family I'm slow cooking mojo chicken leg quarters with a side of yellow rice. Now for catering it's been a dream come true cleansing palates one dish at a time comforting people through plates. And it starts with organization and a clear mind and having the passion to create. As I leave you for now my cooking tip is for The cut of London Broil take a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a pan and flash the meat on both sides to seal the juices before broiling to desired doneness it should not take long it's a rare cut. Enjoy and have a great day foodies!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I'd like to welcome people to this blog with the first post about a lemon dill Tilapia I prepared a week ago in a cream sauce over a bed of rice. This dish was complex to a extent but still easy for a home cook with a little extra time. It has a wide range of flavors and delicate texture it was a great success to the palate With that being said, I am here for advice on dishes, techniques,tips, And lastly to share my culinary journey. As I leave the first post, a quick tip for fish is take the tip of your chefs knife and make small slits to the fillet and squeeze a little bit of lemon juice to bring out the flavors to full potential.